b"NPCRC IMPACT REPORTWEVE BUILT COMMUNITY AND GROWN A NATIONAL NETWORK.Since it began in 2007, NPCRCs Kathleen M. Foley Research Retreat and Symposium has been universally celebrated as a key contribution to the palliative care research community. The Foley Retreat, as it is known, continues to servethree essential purposes:Nurtures early-stage investigators through research and career development training seminars that foster relationships with senior investigators and createa peer support network. Brings early-stage and experienced palliative care investigators together in a forum where cutting-edge research can be presented and critically evaluated. The Foley Retreat Provides a home for diverse palliative care investigators to meet, exchange ideas, named for palliativecreate collaborations, and build a national community.care leader Dr. Kathleen M. Foley celebratesAccording to its more than 1,200 participants over the past 13 years, attending the its namesake's inspiringFoley retreat is like coming home to family. For early-stage investigators, the retreat contributions to the field. is the wellspring of lifelong professional connections and the nexus of an ever-growing network of like-minded colleagues across institutions and disciplines. For experienced investigators it is the ideal space in which to present next-generation research, establish working groups, outline palliative care research priorities, promote collaboration,and deepen community. 2010201120122013201416"