b'20052020 and BEYOND WEVE PUT PALLIATIVE CARE ON THE MAP.NPCRC established partnerships and built community with leading federal organizations and private sector philanthropists. Our early partnerships strengthened NPCRCs reach and impact by providing a united voice focused on palliative care research. Together we continue to support national palliative care policy, increase public awareness of palliative cares importance, and embedand formalize palliative care within the nations research infrastructure. Notable Outcomes: Development of National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) program announcements andfunding opportunities in palliative care research Federal legislation advancing palliative care research funding Inclusion of palliative care in the National Quality Forumsquality initiatives Stimulated the creation of the first U.S. palliative care research meeting:American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) State of the Science meetingCOLLABORATED WITH PARTNERS5'